The festive season is upon us and people are starting to decorate their homes accordingly. If you’re one of those people and are trying to use light to create a festive atmosphere, then you’ve come to the right place!

Believe it or not, another year has come and gone. It’s already that time of year for families to gather and love to be shared. Despite this year’s hardships, there’s something comforting about the festive season and all of its decorations. 

Have you ever wondered why Christmas decorations, and lighting specifically, make people so happy? Once you know the reason, you’ll want to start decorating immediately. 

This is why WiCKS Electrical would like to share how you can use light to create a festive atmosphere in your home, safely.  

Why You Should Use Light To Create a Festive Atmosphere

For many, the festive season brings back happy memories of family, food, and love. What many don’t know is that the decorations and lighting may have something to do with it.

When we look at colourful lights, we experience something called chromotherapy or colour therapy. This is responsible for the happiness you feel when you look at the lights.

Similar to every organ, muscle, and nerve in our body, each colour light has specific frequencies and vibrations. When our mood is a little off, chromotherapy brings our body back to a state of balance using colour vibrations. 

Not only does it help to regulate our mood, but different colour lighting has unique benefits for our body

How To Decorate Your Home Using LED Lights

Shops are always way ahead of us when it comes to decorating for the festive season, so it’s time for us to catch up! Luckily, there are lots of different ways to decorate your home using LED lights.

If you’re going for a more subtle and elegant atmosphere, you could try changing your regular bulbs to LED candle lights. This is an effective way to decorate your home and works particularly well with chandeliers.

If you’re going for a more dreamy atmosphere, then you need rope lights! Rope lights have the ability to transform any space in minutes. They can be placed under counters, draped over door frames, and even wrapped around railings and trees. 

For Christmas enthusiasts, coloured lights are the way to go. Not only do they brighten a room but they can also positively affect your mood as well. 

For All Your Festive Lighting Needs Call WiCKS Today

The festive season is a happy time, but electrical issues have the power to take all of that away. So, to ensure that your festive season stays festive, call WiCKS Electrical today at 082 924 4775.