We’re all aware of just how dangerous electricity can be, so we go to great lengths to protect ourselves and our children from electrical hazards. But, what about our pets? 

The pandemic has encouraged people to work remotely. This means that our homes have more electronics and electrical cables lying around than ever before. 

While our children may understand the dangers of electricity, we can assure you that our pets don’t. All they see is something new and exciting that they can’t wait to chew!

This is why WiCKS Electrical would like to share the top 6 ways to keep your pets safe from electrical hazards. 

1. Buy Quality Electrical Cords

When it comes to electronics and electrical cables, we recommend going for the slightly more expensive, quality products. 

We understand that spending as little money as possible on something as boring as a charger may be tempting. However, it isn’t the safest option. Cheaper electrical cables are more likely to overheat and create sparks. 

Take a look around your house and count how many chargers you see close to the floor. They’re the cables that we leave most accessible to pets which is why we shouldn’t risk buying faulty ones. 

2. Switch Off Electronics After Use

It’s important to remember to switch off all appliances before leaving the house, especially if you leave your animals inside. 

Anyone with a dog will know that there are certain times of the day when they get the zoomies. It’s very funny to watch but gets significantly less funny when you’re not at home to prevent them from causing chaos.  

We often forget to switch off appliances like fans, heaters and lamps when leaving our home. However, these appliances can be extremely dangerous fire hazards. Especially if they’re knocked over during your pet’s burst of energy. 

3. Keep Electrical Cords Out of Reach

In today’s times, most things in a home are connected to an electrical source. So it’s essential that we keep these cords away from our animals. 

This could be done in a number of ways. By placing them in draws after they’ve been used or even by creating barriers that restrict your pet from reaching them. 

4. Unplug Electronics After Use

As humans, we’re always looking for the most convenient way to do something. This often includes leaving regularly used appliances plugged in. 

The problem comes when you’re asleep and your pet wanders around your bedroom or house. They may go looking for a midnight snack and find your electrical cables while you’re sound asleep.

While it’s a snack that may leave them feeling recharged, it will put everyone in danger. 

5. Create an Electricity-Free Zone

If your pets stay inside when you leave the house, we recommend creating an electricity-free zone for them.

This electricity-free zone for your animals will allow you to leave without having to hurry home. It will give you peace of mind that when you return, you’ll still have a healthy pet (and a home).  

6. Keep an Eye on Your Outdoor Electrics

If your pet enjoys digging up your freshly planted vegetables or flowers, it’s important to keep an eye on them.

Obviously, the first prize would be to get them to stop and to save your garden. Unfortunately, anyone with a puppy will understand how difficult that can be. 

If you see your pet digging, make sure that it’s not near areas where you have electrical cables or wires running. 

How WiCKS Can Help to Keep Your Pet Safe Today

As a pet owner himself, WiCKS Electrical understands how important it is to keep them safe. So if you have any electrical questions or simply need advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!